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Submitted by Ashley Boardman on
Trading Bitcoin

Hello Members,

In this edition of our newsletter, we're delving into a critical discussion in the world of cryptocurrency — is Bitcoin a reliable store of value or primarily a trading vehicle? We've always valued honesty and transparency in our communications, and today, we're not holding back.

The Government and Bitcoin: A Reality Check

A question that often surfaces in our community is: "Could governments seize Bitcoin?" Contrary to popular belief, the answer is a resounding yes. Governments possess the capability to exert control over cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin. This reality challenges the notion of Bitcoin as a safe haven akin to traditional assets.

The Enigma of Satoshi Nakamoto

The mystery of Bitcoin's creator, Satoshi Nakamoto, remains unsolved, with 1 million bitcoins lying untouched in their account. This raises questions about long-term intentions and the potential impact on Bitcoin's future.

The Ownership Paradox

Interestingly, only a small fraction of Bitcoin owners possess a full Bitcoin, indicating a significant wealth concentration. This, combined with the shift away from anonymous transactions to more regulated platforms, paints a complex picture of Bitcoin's user base and its original ethos of evading government oversight.

Historical Perspectives: Learning from 1966

The mutual fund crisis of 1966 serves as a cautionary tale. Investors experienced devastating losses due to a misunderstanding of the asset's nature — a scenario eerily similar to the volatility and speculative nature of Bitcoin. This reinforces our view that Bitcoin, with its current structure, is a trading vehicle rather than a stable store of value.

Global Regulations Tightening

Countries with strong traditional currencies are increasingly scrutinising Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Regulatory efforts are intensifying worldwide, with governments viewing these digital assets as avenues for tax evasion and criminal activities. The implications for privacy, taxation, and ownership are profound.

The Gold Analogy and Governmental Control

Drawing parallels to gold, history has shown us that governments have seized assets when deemed necessary. The potential for similar actions in the cryptocurrency domain cannot be ignored. Bitcoin's traceability might be its Achilles' heel, making it more susceptible to governmental oversight than paper currency.

Central Banks and the Future of Digital Currency

With central banks globally planning to introduce Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), the landscape of digital finance is set to undergo a significant transformation. These CBDCs aim to implement comprehensive capital controls, potentially impacting the free trading of assets like Bitcoin.

Our Stance: Navigate with Caution

At Bitcoin Australia, we advocate viewing Bitcoin as a trading vehicle. Market laws dictate that prices will fluctuate — what goes up must come down, and vice versa. Our advice? Stay informed, understand the market dynamics, and trade with a strategy that acknowledges the inherent risks and volatility of cryptocurrencies.

Thank you for your continued trust in us as we navigate these exciting yet complex waters together.